Sunday, March 28, 2010

Maternity Pics...

I don't always get to be on the otherside of the camera and when I do I have to admit I am not the best model. I am very picky and obnoxious and its a very good thing my brother is a photographer as well or I may never get pictures of myself taken. I try to be quiet and I do a pretty good job but I tear myself apart in the finished product so I have to let Drew do most of the picking. However, we did maternity pics at Bee Tree Park and I am in LOVE with the belly pics my brother took! We also took my baby shoes and a new pair of black converse tennis shoes and the contrast is amazing! As soon as I get the disc I will load a few more but here are two just to get started. The first one is one my brother took and the second one I took in my bathroom last night.

Still waiting...

Well, its March 28th one day past the day that I swore from the beginning my son would grace us with his presence and he is STILL NOT HERE!!!! We did go to the Dr last week and he said if we went full term he would be 10lbs! 10lbs... I can't have a 10lb baby that is like birthing a toddler! So if he has not started arriving by 3:45 tomorrow afternoon we will pick an induction date. I am hoping for next Friday! In the mean time alot has been getting done, my mother has come and organized areas of my house like closets and my office and my garage! I am so very thankful. I am a secret hoarder and would never get rid of things if every once in awhile someone didn't help me clear the clutter I can find all kinds of reasons to keep things. Ridiculous things at that.
We also have painted a quote from Jeremiah 1:5 on the wall above James's crib, my sister in law is so talented. It's not quite finished but I will share with you what we have done! She also painted a small dragonfly for my husband's really good friend Mark and a butterfly for his brother who both have already played with James's in heaven. We are waiting very patiently for our "used" baby but apparently he is having too good a time with them and is still not ready to come to me yet!!

My sister also gave me the best gift in the world! She gave me a Nikon Coolpix... which I highly reccomend everyone purchasing. She told me I can't have a stroller in one hand and a baby in the other and my massive camera equipment so she bought me a smaller camera! Its awesome because I have not had a small camera in a couple of years and I love how portable it is. It's like I forgot how portable they are but on a side note did anyone else notice there is no eye slot on the new digital camera's. You can only view your image through the LCD screen... which doesn't bother me I just was surprised. I can not wait to take a ton of pictures of Baby James! I am going to make a book for every month for the first year of his life and I am definititely going to try and do it with every kid after and probably won't have a problem since photography is sort of my life! I can't wait to share his one week photo's! But in the meantime here are more of his room since that is all we have at this time!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

socks in the laundry

Today while doing laundry I picked up a pair of Drew's shorts and underneath it almost perfectly placed were James's socks. It was so surreal to see those baby sock's just sitting there. They were waiting for me - not sure why but it was so cute! I loved seeing them there. Now I can't wait to put them on his tiny little toe's!

I took the picture with my phone but it still turned out pretty good!

Monday, March 1, 2010

34 Week Dr's Visit

So, we went to the doctor this afternoon and what I realized was the weirdest part is while we listening to his heart we were talking with the doctor. Just talking over little man's heart beat like it was a normal thing in our life. I mean it is normal but how weird is that? I remember which doesn't seem that long ago waiting and waiting for each appointment just to hear his heart. I remember praying we would hear his heart and hoping that there would not be silence. I have never had a miscarrage but I do pray daily for Mama's that do and it is a big fear in my pregnancy world. I am so thankful every day when I wake up and I am able to feel his little kicks and jumps. He also does downward dogs off my spine... where he pushes his butt as far out as it can go and let me tell you how great that feels! Although, when he is out even though I am ecstatic to hold him I know I will miss feeling him.

I think we had a first today also! I think Baby James had his first set of hiccups - atleast the first set I noticed. A friend of mine explained to me what it would feel like, mini kicks in the same place.. and I am pretty sure that was it today. In some weird way it made me feel really connected to him again. I felt like he was right on track.

Since I don't want to post with out a picture although some days I am sure I will here is what started the whole nursery firemen theme. We were at a scene where there was a lot of water and a lot of firetrucks and I took that picture from the car window as we were leaving the scene. I still love it and can't wait to get a canvas wrap for James's room. I am sure from now on all nursery and bedroom's will spawn from a photograph Drew or I took.
Have a great night!

Before Birth Post

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby James and as I was looking for outlet not only to share his milestones but ours as a family as well I thought is there a better way to do it than blog? I want friends and family no matter where they are to keep up with us! We move pretty quick. I also have a series of blogs that I read EVERY DAY and I want to be that for someone as well, they have given me so much! So as I sit at home on my first day of no part time job except to start walking my baby out and continue to build my company all I can think about is how ready I am to cuddle my little man! My glider is built, his crib is set, we have his pack and play and swing and bouncer and all the diapers in the world so now I have to sit here and rub his little butt as he pushes against me and wish he was here. Luckily, I still have boxes from when we moved a year ago to go through and I am determined to make a garage sale pile and get rid of a bunch of stuff! I also am a busy person and not being able to squat or see my toes is really taking toll on me. The warm weather is coming and I want to be out there with all the other photographers photographing my clients!! But all in due time I guess!

In the meantime we were greatful enough to enjoy two wonderful shower's! I can't believe how wonderful everyone was! We are set for life!! I want to post a few pics of his nursery its really coming together! Everything as well was handmade by family and friends which I am absolutely in love with!! The lamp my mother in law made, she decorated the shade and then took my husbands pinewood derby car from when 1992 and put it on the base. It's so perfect I can't believe it!! My best friend since grade school made this amazing mobile! She free handed everything and how she got it done in time I will never know! She is so talented and I am so in love with it! The curtains my mother in law made, the curtains and the quilt and she is working on a crib skirt as well to match! I love the gingham!
Its all coming together! I have to run at the moment going to return a few things before Baby James comes!!